Summartónar í Maggies
Ester Skála er ein songkvinna, ið hevur skriva løg síðan hon var 13 ára gomul.
Tónleikurin hevur altíð havt eitt sera stórt pláss í hennara hjarta og henni dámar væl at vísa sína list til onnur.
Ester hellir mest móti pop genruni men kann til tíðir eisini sveima millum indie og alternativan pop.
Henni dámar væl at vísa sínar kenslur gjøgnum tónleikin, serliga gjøgnum lagið sjálvt.
Hennara løg snúgva seg mest um kærleika, lívið og eru expressionistiskt. Hon var væl móttikin sum 15 ára gomul tá hon fyri fyrstu ferð framførdi, og síðan tá hevur hon verið væl móttikin.
Sangur: Ester Skála
Trummur: Harald Fonsdal Johannesen
Bassur: Noe Chaparro
Keyboards: Jákup Tórgarð
The redheaded girl with big curly hair is Ester Skála, which she keeps as her artist name.
She is an independent artist and is fully Faroese. She has written songs since she was at the age of 13.
Music has always had a big place in Ester’s heart and has sung since she can remember.
Music is her way of expressing her feelings, especially through melody. Music leaves her with a passionate and ecstatic feeling, yet with an uplifting feel. Ester’s lyrics are usually simple, yet poetic, expressionistic, love-based and speaks about lives situations.
She usually writes all the lyrics and melody herself.
Her genre of music is mostly pop music, but she delves into genres such as Electronic, Alternative, Indie and singer-songwriter.
Her breakthrough year was when she was at the age of 15, when she for the first time showed off her music to the public. She was well received and has performed in several places since in the Faroe Islands.