Summartónar í Maggies.
Við seks útgivnum plátum og hundraðtals konsertum fingnum frá hondini, spæla Wako við einum myndugleika og persónligheit, sum setur teir á fremsta rað í norðurlendskum jazzi.
Tónleikurin er altíð neyvt stillaður eftir áhoyrarunum, umhvørvinum og tí tónleikaliga tilfarinum, sum ger at hvør konsert er eitt eindømi.
Wako hava tikið teirra støðugt mennandi kreativititet og musikalitet við teimum kring Europa og Asia, og spælt konsertir bæði sum kvartett, saman við strúkarunum í Oslo Strings og við framúr trompetleikaranum Arve Henriksen, umframt øðrum.
Hvør sær kunnu tónleikararnir eisini hoyrast í verkætlanum sum Hegge, Flukten, Megalodon Collective, Espen Berg trio, Kjetil Mulelid Trio og Trondheim Jazz Orchestra.
Wako eru:
Kjetil Mulelid – piano
Martin Myhre Olsen – saksofon
Bárður Reinert Poulsen – bass
Simon Olderskog Albertsen – trummur
Wako (EN):
With six albums and hundreds of live performances under their belt, Wako plays with an authority and personality that places them at the forefront of Nordic jazz.
According to Mark Sullivan (All About Jazz – US), Wako is “a Norwegian jazz collective with a real collective sound”, and the previous album “Wako” (Øra Fonogram, 2020) was put on the top list of Jazzwise (UK) both in March and April 2020.
The scope of the music is always carefully adjusted to the audience, environment and musical material, which means that the concerts are not only superlative, but also unique experiences.
In short, Wako is one of the most impressive young live groups on the scene today. Individually, the musicians can also be seen in projects such as Hegge Flukten, Megalodon Collective, Espen Berg trio, Kjetil Mulelid Trio and the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra.